November 16, 2010

Blogger Hides Living Will in Otherwise Boring Article

Living Will

REDDING, CT – A not-particularly landmark court case has reached the third district court of Redding.  In the case of Persistent v Vegetative State, the defendant , Andrew Life, was trying to make it absolutely clear that he needed the tubes that the plaintiff, Dr. Euthanasia, was trying to take from him.

Euthanasia’s argument was that Life didn’t need the tubes, which he had only loaned to Life following a tragic accident at a concert by the band “This is Real I’m So Damn Serious Right Now.”  Life was being sustained by using the tubes as a conveyance system for food, as he had TEMPORARILY lost most of his motor skills.

The trial will likely be short.  Judge Meddler was quoted as saying, “I don’t know why Life is being threatened in my court, as clearly Euthanasia is just wrong.  He has no legal standing, and I disagree with him on moral grounds.”  However, Some other parties, specifically Lib Eral Media, local hippie, and Fox PropĂ© Ganda, local crackpot, have taken the fight to a larger audience.

Most pundits assume the trial will be thrown out, and MIRANDA I SWEAR TO GOD IF I’M EVER PUT ON MACHINES YOU KEEP ME ON THEM FOREVER TELL THE KIDS I’M ON A BUSINESS TRIP will address the court on Thursday.

April 27, 2010

Man Silences Cell Phone in Applebee's
Didn't Want to Ruin Atmosphere

Williamsburg, VA - Local college student Robert Sweeney was noted recently for silencing his phone as he entered an area Applebee's restaurant, an act that shocked his friends and colleagues as Sweeney will not even silence his phone when he goes to church.

When asked why he had turned off his now famous "Chung-chung from Law & Order" texting alert tone, Sweeney responded in a hushed tone that he "didn't want to break the ambiance."

Sweeney's waiter, 19 year old Stephanie Landy, told I AM THE PRESS she was very pleased with the level of service she was able to provide Sweeney, party of four.

"Normally I can't get them off of their iPhones and they know what the day's specials are before I can tell them, but this time the whole party was somber, almost melancholy. Sad people leave the best tips!"

In the past, Sweeney has been criticized for his for phonetiquette. According to his phone app that posts all of his phone activity directly to his Facebook account, Sweeney has racked up hours during weekly mass, in the middle of movies, and while eating dinner with his girlfriend's parents. However, they did not meet Sweeney's incredibly high standards of atmosphere.

When asked what about the eatery justified such an action, Sweeney seemed taken aback.

"When you go to an eating establishment of this caliber, there's something in the air. There's a solemn feel that I didn't want to destroy with an interruption from the outside world."

Sweeney then returned to eating his boneless chicken wings and watching the game on one of the establishments many TVs while his girlfriend continued to vie for his attention.

Applebee's could not be reached for comment, which is most likely because it is a restaurant and not a person.

April 18, 2010

Government Finally Admits There’s No Such Thing as ‘Racketeering’

NY, NY -- After years of confusion and looks that say, “I totally know what that is” a man accused of organized crime finally had the presence of mind to ask a judge, “racketeering? What’s that?” No answer was given.

Judge Ralters of the 5th district in New York City was stunned to silence today when he read off a list of allegations against Vincent D’amico that included “money laundering, extortion, fraud, racketeering, and embezzlement.” When the query was raised, several people nervously laughed in a knowing way, followed by several moments of silence, and then eventually a harsh admission. “Does anyone here…know….? No one?” asked the lawyer for the defense.

After thorough review by a team of lawyers, it was discovered that no law referencing “racketeering” actually existed. Common usage prompted it to be tacked on to the tail end of several sentencing proceedings, dating back to the 1800s when Sir Crimesaplenty was martyred in a circus trial for the benefit of some courtroom nobles.

The honorable Judge Ralters released a statement today that racketeering would no longer be added on to any list of crimes, no matter how long, even if it would be funny. Everyone convicted on counts of racketeering who are currently serving time have had their sentence commuted by up to five years.

THE PRESS attempted to contact D’amico to comment on this landmark realization, but he could not respond because he was busy being too stereotypical.

April 1, 2010

I AM THE PRESS Now Under the Auspices of Fox News

Despite only being a few months old, I AM THE PRESS has enjoyed moderate success as one of the only TRUE NEWS reporting web sites of the web (the other being the English version of Aljazeera). Because of this success, THE PRESS has been approached by one of the [greatest news agencies] around, Fox News, with an offer to fall under their flagship of extreme [AWESOME REPORTING METHODS].

As of today, I AM THE PRESS will join the ranks of such [illustrious] reporters as Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and of course, the newly indoctrinated correspondent Sarah Palin.

Expect even more, and now highly funded (which of course did not affect the decision at all, as THE PRESS is a highly moral entity), articles, including whether or not Obama has the actual power to lead, what is wrong with Pelosi (not just her hair, but actually her), and of course the question that's on everyones mind, what are the principles of the shining party of the people's Tea Party and how can I contribute?

This is a golden age and a Great Leap Forward for I AM THE PRESS!

::EDIT:: Happy April Fools Day. Though apparently not everyone was so cool with the joke. When THE PRESS posted this story on Facebook, the captcha was "war premises". Calm down Facebook, it's not worth going to war over.

March 27, 2010

Band Releases Sophomore Album
It's Like Their First Album, But Different

Los Angeles, CA – A band released their second album this week, silencing critics who claimed they did not have the collective creative talents to actually have a second major release. The first single, released two weeks ago, has already topped all of the major charts and has been featured on the soundtrack of the big movie that came out last week.

“We didn’t really know which direction to take things after our first album,” the lead singer told reporters at the release party. “In the end we decided to just take it forward, and we all felt that was a good way to go.” There was a lot of controversy after the band’s tour to promote their first album, when the drummer reportedly wanted to try some of his own songs and was shot down by his bandmates due to “creative differences.”

The band, now with a major label behind them, decided to take a new approach to releasing their music. The band’s producer told reporters, “this band is fresh, and so the way people listen to them should be fresh.” The 14 song album was released on Tuesday.

Not all fans are happy about the band’s second album, however. Teen girl fan told THE PRESS that she “really loved the first album, but this album is different.” Hipster blogging male commented that, “now that they’ve released a second album it’s like they have an entirely new tracklist. That’s only a good thing if the songs are good.” Fortunately for the band, some fans remain loyal. House wife who controls the radio when driving her kids to school says, “my kids are fans of this band. I heard they are making more music.”

The tour to support the new album begins in a few months. Representatives from the band said they would be playing mostly “songs from their two albums,” with the possibility of “some other songs.”

A third album has not yet been officially announced.

March 7, 2010

Teen Has Unprotected Sex, Contracts Real-Estate Developer

Gloucester, Mass - In what has become a more and more common scene these days, Sara Beaton received some unsettling news from her doctor earlier this week. Beaton recently lost her virginity to her long-term (2 months) boyfriend, and because she “trusted him, like, so much,” she neglected to use protection. Now it turns out her boyfriend is actually an independent contractor, and he entered Beaton into a leasing contract that could cost her more dearly than she ever thought.

Recent studies indicate that girls are having sex younger than ever before, and are using protection less and less. 1 in 3 girls reported that they have contracted independent developers before the age of 20, and many have gone on completely untreated. Without the support of parents, many are unable to pay the inflated property taxes, bankrupting them and leaving them unable to have homes of their own when they’re ready.

Beaton has since started an organization for warning girls about the terrors of entering legally binding contracts without a cosigner before they’re ready. “Don’t let a guy pressure you into putting your initials on the line,” her website says. “It’s a personal decision to move into real-estate, but even when you are ready, you should always use the protection of having your parents signing a guarantor form.”

Gloucester has had a severe problem recently with many girls entering into monetary relationships, and there have even been a few reports of it going on at school. Matthew Jordan, a 7th grader, told THE PRESS about his first day of school last fall. “I went in to use the bathroom, but I left right away because there were two older kids in there with ink all over their hands, debating whether they needed their forms notarized or not. I didn’t understand everything that was happening, but I left and told the principle right away.” THE PRESS congratulates Jordan for doing the right thing, but wonders if he’s not a rent-block.

February 26, 2010

After Pluto’s Demotion, Luxembourg Fears Loss of Country Status

Luxembourg, Luxembourg - In the wake of the scientific communities’ decision to reclassify Pluto from a planet to a dwarf-planet, Luxembourg has voiced concerns that it may be next in an overzealous “second-look” of sorts. Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, in his weekly address shouted out of his window, attempted to assuage the fears of the dozens of citizens in his nation, reminding them that, “Lesotho would probably go first.”

Several neighboring nations have apparently grown emboldened by the possible downgrade to dwarf-country, and Luxembourg’s borders have come under dispute for the first time since World War II. In response, all seven soldiers have been mobilized, armed with some lightly used 22s, “generously donated by the local Boy Scout Troop.” The troops say they are prepared to hold position for days at a time, citing that, “Mrs. Frieden is totally bringing us a pie later.”

Hoping to rally other nations to the small country’s aid, the ambassador to the UN, Sylvie Lucas, has brought cookies on at least three separate occasions. This kind of spending is almost unheard of in Luxembourg, and as a result the national deficit has almost tripled. The PM has a plan, however, to jumpstart the economy with a “stimulus plan”, which he says involves switching the local shop keep’s coffee from decaf to regular when he’s not looking.

I AM THE PRESS attempted to send reporters to the scene to ascertain more of the story, but the small nation’s even smaller airport was shut down for several days because the single air-traffic controller went to visit her cousin in the country (which we assume meant a different country). To simulate what it is most likely like over there, PRESS correspondent Kevin Forster locked four construction workers in a closet for three days and told them they weren’t a country. Bloodshed was quick, but decisive, as an attack on Luxembourg is likely to be.

The PM declined to speak with THE PRESS because he couldn’t plug his phone in at the same time as his stereo, and one of Luxembourg’s three bands released their sophomore album this week to lukewarm reviews.

February 17, 2010

Man Tweets Pain Before it Registers With His Head

CHICAGO, IL – Scientists are baffled today by Sanitation Manager Steven Jacobs, who was able to post an exclamation of pain to before the pain was actually transmitted to his brain. A report posted in E-Science Today makes mention of Jacobs’ increasing dependency on his new iPhone, which has made use of Apple’s apps to become fully integrated into his nervous system.

The tweet, which reads simply, “Just got out of the dentist, now to AHHHHHHHHH”, was posted last week as Jacobs exited Mental Dental on Garland Stove St. According to witnesses, several seconds after sending the tweet Jacobs took a few steps, then realized he had a nail sticking through his foot and collapsed to the ground. The iPhone reportedly never left his hand.

“Ever since I got my iPhone, I’ve become more and more connected to the internets,” said Jacobs, sitting in the emergency room at St. Anthony Hospital. “I’m on all of the popular sites, like Bebo and Friendster, and I’m downloading new apps all the time. Today I got one makes my phone into a lightsaber!”

The tweet, viewable at, has become fairly popular in its own right, being retweeted no fewer than three times in the hours following its posting. Several users have made comments in their retweets, including “FIRST!” and “FiRsT!” followed by “DaMn!”

Neurologists are interested in studying Jacobs to gain further insight into how technology interdependence affects the way the brain perceives its surroundings. In a rival article posted in Electronic Science Daily, researchers have attacked E-Science’s reports for “trolling” the rest of the scientific community, adding, “yeah, we saw The Matrix too”.

Jacobs was treated for his wounds, but refused treatment on his technology addiction or iPhone, which had been grafted onto his hand. He then made a joke about looking for Sarah Conner and left, refusing to answer any more questions. I AM THE PRESS would like to point out that Terminator references are too easy, and wishes he had instead told the doctors to “hack the Gibson”.

January 10, 2010

Band “Really Big Fan” of Guy in Third Row

Seattle, WA – Local band “Feigning Interest” was expecting a show like any other the night of January 9th, but were instead treated to a experience few bands get to enjoy; their show was visited by dedicated concert-goer Mitch Jaspers. I AM THE PRESS readers will likely recognize Jaspers as the Guy-in-the-Band-Shirt turned Mosh-Pit-Referee who popularized swinging your arm in a circle while not at a rodeo.

“I’ve always been a huge fan of that guy,” Feigning Interest front-man Todd Releana said of Jaspers. “He’s one of the reasons I got into music, and the chance to see him live was just incredible.” Releana was joined by bassist Zach Fields in his praise of the fan. “Back in my Dad’s day there was Hendrix’s fan, Tommy ‘Jumping Up and Down’ Stevens. I guess what I’m saying is, Jaspers is my generation’s Stevens.”

Jaspers used to tour with Portland- based band “Hunting Pilgrims”, but creative differences with their roadies caused a split that the band has never really recovered from. After a brief stint with “The Dutchmen” and a fateful brawl with “Justice Blind”, Jaspers made the move to Seattle and hasn’t looked back since. “After that, I made the move to Seattle and haven’t looked back since,” he was overheard telling a fellow mosher.

“I try to bring something unique to each show, so everyone can really take a different experience away with them,” Jaspers told interviewers after the show. “People come to a show to have a good time, and I appreciate that, but I think that needs to be balanced with my own desire to get my art out there.”

The new Feigning Interest album is set to release this Spring, and Jaspers is set to follow the tour for several months following. After that point, sources close to Jaspers have suggested he may strike out on a solo gig, though no one really knows what the hell that means.