Many were surprised at the government’s quick response to the discovery, which included placing a trade embargo on the parallel universe and declaring any cross-dimensional interaction as grounds for surveillance. It did not take long for several advocacy groups to speak out against the overzealous actions of the government, as these groups feel we could learn much from analyzing the differences between our cultures, including how our judgment and perceptions could be colored by simple word-play.
One possible reason for the government’s actions are to cover-up that several laws and policies are only tolerated by the American people because they were given catchy names as a distraction. One such example is the “Three Strikes” Law. In our America, the law is tolerated because it draws imagery from a traditional American past-time, baseball. However, in parallel-America no such imagery exists, and the law was never passed in most states because of the seemingly arbitrary punishments they place on sometimes petty criminals.
Most recently, the USA PATRIOT ACT came under fire. In our America, proponents were able to use the nationalistic name of the legislation as a shield against those who would criticize the horrible human rights violations the act allows. However, in parallel-America, the act was named the FAST-REACT TO 9/11 ACT, and more plainly stated its intent to spy on American citizens. The act was quickly struck down by the outraged senators.
Interestingly, several groups from the parallel universe have also attempted to push their products through to our market, including a kids cereal with no weird mascot, and a reality show about people who have interesting lives because they do interesting things and keep company with interesting people, not because they get drunk and fight.